Earlier today YouTube user Swedish Homestead has recently found his homestead in the same danger to his in Sweden that many in the US find theirs in. According to the video, a company has recently applied to survey the land near his homestead because it is rich in precious metals. The cooperation between government and big business interests could mean him losing his homestead.
Watch below how Simeon from Swedish Homestead as he explains the situation.
I really feel for Simeon, as this is his livelihood could be in jeapordy but also that of his family; a family which entails 3 generations and 7 kids according to the Swedish Homestead Facebook page. To make matters worse, Simeon just recently made the transition to full time homesteading in January from what I’ve gathered. Because of that I really hope that it doesn’t deter him in the future should he have to relocate. Based on his attitude in previous videos though, I don’t see that being the case as he seems to be a very humble, positive and faithful man.
Usually we hear of things like this happening in the US with our government and their every increasing reach in terms of land rights, but government/big business collusion is more widespread than just the states. Disturbingly enough, this is starting to happen more and more everyday throughout the world. Several farms not only in the US, but Europe and Africa as well find themselves in the crossfires of big government. Add collectivist fury and ever so burdensome regulations into the mix and the global picture does not look like one conducive to future property rights.
As an aspiring homesteader (as opposed to half-steader like I find myself now), stories like these are very disheartening and a reminder of why we should always fight for and support the rights of everyone who wishes to be self-sufficient.
Keep him and his family in your prayers and be sure to check out their YouTube channel as well. I’ll post more updates on the situation when I hear them.