When you think depravity in today’s society couldn’t reach new heights. . .an adult baby comes along and adds a jet pack! Just watch this new video made by the social commentator/reporter Paul Joseph Watson to see what I mean.
SOURCE: Youtube.com/PrisonPlanetLive. AUTHOR: Paul Joseph Watson.
As Paul mentions, this disturbing new trend is just one of the many ways social marxists wish to hasten the destruction of the West. To me though, what’s particularly disturbing is that narcissistic behavior such as this is becoming normalized because of the destructive exploitation of a once profound western mantra – “do what you want, just don’t hurt anyone else.” At one time, you could argue that this phrase had much more merit via marijuana laws, gay relationships between consenting two adults, financial freedoms, guns, etc; however, the spirit of this beloved phrase has become exploited to the point of it no longer being a libertarian mantra, but a slogan for the complete destruction of our values via public apathy.
Enough has to be enough one day. We have plenty of “cool parents” out there who don’t want to be the bad guy and ample amounts of people competing for gold in the “Tolerance Olympics.” What we need right now (and my inner 21 year is probably going to faint) is *gasp* a few prudes. A few prudes at this point would be refreshing. On the rare occasion I actually meet one nowadays, I usually shake their hand as opposed to hating them as I did in my younger days. Prudes are the new Mewtwo! In fact, by the rate in which our social standards and reasoning skills keep degenerating, it seems to me that a prude a nowadays is someone who is even remotely rational. . .thus making them even rarer than Mewtwo in all actuality.
Seriously though, if the Tolerance Olympics is going to merit us the prize of adult babies and biometric-non-binary-spherical-toaster-kin-air-conditionerosexuals then I’ll settle for bronze at this point. . .or better, a DNP.
– The Damn Messenger
Video by Paul Joseph Watson @PrisonPlanetLive on YouTube. I did not author the video, nor do I own any rights to.