What up Night Shift Alumni?
Bit of a random post, but I’ve recently decided to add a new edition to my half-stead.
This little darling:
Now I know you may be thinking; “Ghost Peppers?! Are you nuts?! Why would you grow such a thing?!”
The answer to that question is three fold:
1.) Yes, I am. Seriously, I’ve probably been diagnosed with every disorder and ism they can imagine by now.
2.) For the hell of it.
3.) The plant was only $0.50 and I’m a bit curious to see if these babies are truly as hot as advertised.
This is my first time experimenting with Ghost Peppers. My wife (who loves all things spicy) thinks all the hype is exaggerated but we’ll see. I doubt I’m brave enough to try it yet though.
What do you think? Do you got any experience taming the wild beast known as the Ghost Pepper? Ever grown them yourself? Drop me a comment and tell me your story. I’ll post updates as the little phantom grows!
God bless,