One of the most interesting things about being married to a latina woman who is very inquisitive about life is finding little gems like this. . .and being able to understand them due to being bilingual. Perhaps one of the biggest things that gets lost among the alternative thinking community (or “conspiracy theorist” if you prefer that label) is that somehow knowledge about things such as Bilderberg and other globalist gatherings/organizations is limited to the Anglosphere, but I found a YouTuber based in Spain who can easily challenge such maxim.
He posts videos under the name “Mundo Desconocido” on YouTube (English: “Unknown World”). If you understand Spanish, I definitely recommend his channel.
If you’re bilingual, I suggest that you watch the following video in particular “Bilderberg 2016 y el fin de dinero” (Bilderberg 2016 and The End Of Money). This interesting video talking about the elite plan of getting rid of actual money (cash) in the Euro Zone and replacing it with digital money:
(Author: Mundodesconocido. Source: YouTube)
While you may not agree with everything he says, it’s definitely worth a watch – if not just for a reminder that people everywhere are thinking, speculating and addressing a multitude of issues.
I find it particularly powerful because this plan exists outside of the Eurozone with a war on cash here in the USA as well.